
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The hot new thing 25 years ago, touted as free advertising, SEO is now routinely overlooked, which makes it worth looking at, because it is still free – and competition has dropped off.

Media News Releases

Mainstream media scares off a lot of people because it is hard to control – reporters may spin or distort a source’s message badly. It can also be incredibly effective – a positive story going national through Associated Press or the New York Times newswire can instantly jump-start both social media mentions and website traffic.

Online Advertising

This works well for certain niches, particularly local businesses or services.

Personal and Business Websites

Your website can maintain your reputation by providing the channel for a message that stays on-message. It can promote your reputation by clearly telling what you have to offer. And it can help repair a reputation by targeting Google searches for negative information about you, drawing them into your website, and telling your side of the story.

Neutralizing Bad Online Reviews

Local services and products can benefit from review websites like Yelp! Your reputation can also be harmed, because reviewers can snap into attack mode over one flaw in your product or service. Because of this, review sites can wreck your reputation if you depend on them alone, but if you have a website most review sites will add a link to it – and then you control the message.

Call (Pacific Time)

No charge for a phone call. I can’t reinvent your reputation in 30 minutes, but I can usually tell you whether I can be of help with some brief online research and a bit of thinking. If your situation is complicated, it may take a couple of days. Regardless, I tell you as quickly as possible what can be accomplished.