Reputation Repair Success Stories

"Nicholas Carroll was instrumental in stopping defamation of our company. His expertise was greatly appreciated and is highly recommended.”

Chad Celi, Principal, Reset Strategies


Stanford Archimedes Project

Based in their disability device development, the project is developing classroom software to give students a broader access to the world beyond their computer. I wrote a proactive position paper to downplay the loss of National Science Foundation funding and emphasize their new endowment from University of Hawaii, resulting in same-day coverage in the KRTN newspaper chain, correctly repositioning the project from a failure to a successful and expanding program.

Rescued from obscurity

Hastings Research had an obscure niche: software designs for tomorrow’s internet issues. Those software and UX designs were also a solution to their sales goals, and brought in clients with projects such as the Wireless Usability 2001-2002 Report for Network World magazine. A mix of publicity and search engine optimization drove the report and Hastings to #1 rankings on Google SERPs, which were maintained with high quality original content.

San Juan Pools vs. Thursday Pools

San Juan sued Thursday claiming defamation and trademark infringement; I testified that Thursday’s marketing was within the standards of fair play and that it had not caused San Juan any economic damages. From Thursday Pools’ attorney: “Your testimony was very, very credible. You were engaging and professional and did not back down in cross examination. You made my day!” (The case settled shortly after this deposition.)

Ning Yuan Chang vs. Sing Tao Daily

Wrote expert witness report which moved Sing Tao Daily to promptly cancel its deposition and settle to Ms. Chang’s satisfaction. Sing Tao Daily revised their reporting rules and editorial workflow the following week, and deleted the questionable news stories about Chang from their website. Transcript of judicial case dismissal repeatedly citing the expert report.

Joseph H. West vs. Paul De Luca

Testified as expert witness in trial on economic damages to baseball Umpire Joe West. The court cited Carroll’s testimony as “credible” seven times in a widely-published decision, and then awarded West $500,000 for emotional distress and reputation repair costs. (Another of West’s expert witnesses estimated the cost of reputation repair at $8 million – Nicholas’ estimate was closer, since, as anticipated the verdict went national in both mainstream and online media, and West’s reputation was restored without any further costs.)

Intercontinental Florals

Personally called customers and independent sales representatives, neutralizing rumors of impending bankruptcy, allowing ICF to collect on overdue accounts and restructure the company as a grower/distributor instead of an intermediary.

Doe vs. Roe

(Names sealed by court) Acted as a designated expert witness in the defamation of a dentist, writing the technical internet questions for plaintiff’s attorney to prove defendant’s culpability in making online posts. The case was settled in mediation, with no trial costs. The judge awarded the dentist $250k in damages and banned the defendant and their family from making any posts about the dentist for 15 years.

Randi Alexander vs. Romantic Times

Wrote an extensive expert witness report with infographics of Amazon sales and typical author earnings, showing that Alexander’s romance writing income was not affected by actions of Romantic Times. Alexander’s case was dismissed by summary judgment, and the U.S. District Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of that decision.

Call (Pacific Time)

No charge for a phone call. I can’t reinvent your reputation in 30 minutes, but I can usually tell you whether I can be of help with some brief online research and a bit of thinking. If your situation is complicated, it may take a couple of days. Regardless, I tell you as quickly as possible what can be accomplished.