Reputation Promotion Success Stories

“Nicholas Carroll is one of the most successful advertisers out there.”

David Chilton, author of The Wealthy Barber

(over 8 million copies sold)


Royce Baker Publishing

Used direct-to-reader advertising to expand hardcopy sales beyond bookstore channels, profitably advertising in the New York TimesWashington PostUSA Today, and Investor’s Business Daily, then expanded into the Canadian market through the Toronto Globe and Mail and the Financial Post, and internationally through the Financial Times and the Economist. In 1998 began advertising online with pay-per-click ads, selling e-books for nine years before Amazon developed the Kindle publishing platform.

Wake Forest Health Center

Wrote whitepaper to introduce anterior (frontal) hip joint replacement as a low-intrusion surgical procedure. Since “minimally invasive” equals “good” in modern surgical thinking, the remaining obstacle was in worries about malpractice on a new procedure. Dispelled these with carefully documented success stories, which were both anecdotal and scientifically sound.


Provided website information design, marketing suggestions, and website copy which resulted in the main navigation bar and site architecture being redesigned, and developed a headline formula/template which used active verbs and consistently inserted the word “solution” in a time-critical contract to redefine DocuShare(TM) content software as an organizational solution instead of a technology service.


Promoted IBM Small/Medium business services and products through social media with $5,000,000 in advertising budget authority, using both paid services and individual influencers.

Rain Creek Baking

Designed an interactive shopping website with a Mediterranean look and feel for this company entertaining acquisition, which directly resulted in the purchase offer being increased by $500,000.

Half Price Computer Books

Redesigned their website and applied a mix of search engine optimization (SEO) and national advertising in the U.S. and Canada, which increased the website’s sales 800%, to a sales level equal to two of their brick and mortar bookstores. (The whole encyclopedia article on SEO in 10k words.)

McKesson Health Care

Promoted automated medication dispensers as safe and reliable. The issue was a potential conflict between pharmacists’ jobs and patient safety; the pharmacists were mollified when they were shown that the dispensers were not meant to completely replace them, but to improve medication dispensing accuracy for the “last mile” to patients’ bedsides.

Sea Eagle Inflatable Boats

“Nicholas Carroll crafted an SEO strategy for Sea Eagle Boats identifying key terms to target that was both valuable and within reach. Following this approach we adapted our keyword strategy to focus on those keywords and modified our site accordingly which resulted in strong traffic and improved sales.”

John Hoge, Partner

California Wine Tours

Analyzed keywords contained in search engine traffic and found that customers searching for “wine tours” were more likely to book a wine tour than those searching for “winery tours,” then interviewed the telephone booking agents and corroborated this. Rewriting the content of wine tour websites increased bookings by 80%. In hindsight this made sense; people are not interested in touring wineries, they are interested in tasting wine.

Other Promotion Projects

Branded and positioned dozens of other products and services through print, radio, podcasts, websites, and online ads, including Axonom, Datatrend, Global Drilling Suppliers, Hotwire, IDG Magazines, IKON, Harrison-Hoge Industries, Innovatech Labs, LegrandAV, Lowell International Realty, Nimsoft, Quantcast, REVroi,, University of Wisconsin, and Wikimedia Foundation.

Call (Pacific Time)

No charge for a phone call. I can’t reinvent your reputation in 30 minutes, but I can usually tell you whether I can be of help with some brief online research and a bit of thinking. If your situation is complicated, it may take a couple of days. Regardless, I tell you as quickly as possible what can be accomplished.